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  • Writer's picturePaul Travis

Radio Play- Virgin Mary's SOS4Uni, Single Preview

The A1M new music show will feature The Virginmarys - S.O.S.4.U.N.I. single in its show along with new releases from The Mickey 9s , and a host of other artists from across the globe.

The single is out March 1st,

A1M View "A thunderous slice of indie rock, it bounds from your speakers, has brilliant beat and sustains a great hook that keeps momentum, a rabble rousing powerful vocal and a tune that sticks, and delivers."

The A1M Records New Music Show on Indie Rocks Radio-

Episode 4. February 14th 2019.

Los Angeles : 1 1.00 am : New York : 15.00 : Manchester :20.00


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1. Echo Tape - Out of Love

2. RatasEnZelo - Revolution

3. Crimson Death - The Binary Nature of Reality

4. Darrin - 4 Me

5. Ghosts of Social Networks, (GOSN)- My Lucifer

6. HeartBlanch - Too Many Stars

7.Tribe Of Fable - "Pieces"

8. KOJAY - No More

9. TICKLE - "I Used To Do Hip-Hop"

10. The Mickey 9'S - O Electro

11 . Eerie Family - Everybody Disappears

12. Kill J - Dead Weight Soldier (Nava Remix)

13. Trinity - I just Wanta Say

14. The Virgin Mary's - SOS4UNI

15. Dance With The Dead - Riot

16, AntiCage - Boston Baltic's

17. Ratas En Zelo - Futbol Juligan.The A1M show

About The Virgin Marys

Haling from Macclesfield, the band have been hard at it in the studio since the start of the 2018 self producing and creating fresh new works alongside piecing together previously unfinished material, all of which follow the intensity, honesty and urgency that has become a trademark to The Virginmarys sound.

After the success of their debut album ‘King Of Conflict’ and follow up sophomore ‘Divides’produced and mixed by Gil Norton (FooFighters, Pixies), singer/guitarist Ally Dickaty says this third album is his favourite work to date.

‘I’m more excited about this record than any others we’ve done. We’ve created a beast that sounds massive. There’s a lot of freedom in this record, I’ve felt liberated and closer to the spark that had me writing in the first place. We’ve been working so close with these songs from start to finish and it’s felt right pouring ourselves into them. It’s a very special record that feels closest to the energy of our live performance than any before.

The Virginmarys have always endeavoured to remain deeply rooted in their own sound, organically turning away from fads, scenes or indeed anything that steers them away from their own playing styles.

“The whole journey is about communication rather than fame or money,” Dickaty explains,“I feel the anger, boredom and dissatisfaction beneath the surface of everyday life and it channels into the music. I can see it in people I meet from day to day and I feel lucky I can express it through music rather than getting myself into a lot of trouble.”

Amongst the intensity and danger in The Virginmarys sound, there remains a strong sense of vulnerability and social conscience running through the songs that often lyrically express painful and uncomfortable honesty like a rhetoric of dark journey.

“Music keeps me alive and closer to the truth, I don’t know where I’d be without it. It provides a platform to express thoughts and emotions a lot more effectively and beautifully than words alone. You can make use of dark times in your life and turn them into something incredible that resonates with others", says Dickaty.

'Northern Sun Sessions' was recorded and engineered by Ally Dickaty at Preach Studios, with drums and big guitars recorded and engineered by Mark Winterburn at Edge Studios. It was mixed by Kemble Walters in Los Angeles and mastered by Mike Kalajian at Rogue Planet in New York.

Drummer Danny Dolan talks about the HEAT!…"We started recording the album at the end of June 2018 during the sunniest week we’ve ever experienced in the Northwest", explains Dolan,”the heatwave continued throughout the rest of the recording process in what turned out to be the hottest summer recorded in the UK. It was a really cool omen and added to the specialness of this record given the album title.


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